I'm sorry but I had to do it. With all this talk about people the U.S. election, I needed something that would make people smile and I hope that I accomplished my mission with this pic, now Happy Hallowe...OOOOF !!
My 2 bytes
Alright good news people; the Calgary Flames have won their first game of the 2004-05 season against the Mighty Ducks 4-3 in Overtime. Now are you all confused or do you think I’m crazy?
Now I as I mentioned before, there is a lockout of the players in the NHL and there’s a good chance that the whole hockey season is going to be gone because the players association cannot see past their own selfish interests. Anyway what G4TechTV is doing this year is playing the whole hockey season virtually.
That’s right, this year people are catching their hockey through G4TechTV and EA’s NHL 2004. Now some people (including myself) would think that this is really weird and would wonder are some people so starved for hockey that they would settle for a Virtual Season? Well Iginla did get a goal in the first game.
Actually I think it’s a fun way to deal with the loss of the hockey season and we can still enjoy the fun and excitement of our favorite teams, even though they aren’t actually playing.
Oh and, G4TechTV isn’t the only ones doing this either. Eric Francis of the
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Everyone gets inspiration from someone at least one time in their lives; it could be from a successful business man, a celebrity or someone who has overcome an amazing obstacle. Anyway I’m going to discuss a great communicator and a very successful man David Letterman.
Now people are wondering why him? He’s a late night talk show host, he acts goofy and he claims to be a dork, how is he a great communicator? This is the guy who reads a Top Ten List and has Stupid Pet Tricks on his show. Well I ask you if you ever watched him sit at the desk and talk, it doesn’t have to be with a guest, it could be with Paul or he’s just talking to the camera. He uses comedy as a tool to communicate and he does it so well.
I remember a few years ago he tried to get onto Oprah after this guy was told that he wasn’t going to be on the show for some reason or other. Anyway Dave used comedy as a means to communicate his point but asking to be on Oprah, and then starting the Oprah log, where every day he would ask his producer if the Oprah people called then he would write into his log ‘Oprah did not call’ (Do you think I said Oprah enough times in this paragraph). Well it turned into such a big thing that it was featured in TV guide and there were petitions to get Letterman on Oprah even though she resisted. (She finally agreed after little Harry was born and he chickened out, he came up with a story about gas in the studio that makes you cry). My point is that by using comedy, he was able to create a national stir.
Its examples like that that makes David Letterman the king of Late Night Even in the old NBC days, when he tried to give a fruit basket to the heads of GE and caused a huge commotion in the lobby of the GE Headquarters. He was using humor to make a point.
Now despite how he acts sometimes on the show, Letterman is not dumb. He owns a very successful production company, World Wide Pants which produces The Late Show, that crappy show after, Everybody Loves Raymond and its spin off The King of Queens as well as a few other projects. Now a dumb person could not create such a successful production company.
However it’s his ability to communicate at the desk when I think he’s at his best. Don’t bother with the monologue, (I don’t) and just listen to Dave at the desk. I think he’s great. As a few of you might have realized by now, I try to do the same thing, by using humor to make my point (though I could never be as good as Dave, the TV God) but one day perhaps. MMM perhaps I should rename my blog, World Wide Pants wannabe? Nope, I do this for myself and if people are entertained by my words then that is good enough THOUGH LEAVING A COMMENT WOULD BE NICE SO I DON'T FEEL LIKE I’M TALKING TO THE FRIGGN WALL. (To those who have left comments, thank you and disregard the outburst).
My 2 bytes
A few days ago I encountered a blog called The Sin Bin and it was being done by a group of four women (I hope they’re all women) and this blog seemed to focused on their sex lives and from this blog I found other blogs which centered around sex and from then I found more and more sex related sites.
Normally I don’t talk about sex because it’s never been a high priority for me (I’m a greedy bastard, not a horny bastard) but then something occurred to me. I really hit pay dirt here. Here are four opinionated women to can tell me what the hell I’m doing wrong.
As I stated before, I’m a single straight male and I know that my needs are simple. Our equipment is simple to use and there are no mysteries but I swear when it comes to women’s sexual organs, I need a diagram, a map, some arrows, a hint, a clue, SOMETHING!!!!
Actually there were links to some informative sites and I ended up book marking some of them since they could give me some ideas for the future because I know I’m twit when it comes to this sort of thing. The only thing that has prevented me from becoming a total failure is a feather duster (use your imagination, I did).
I love DVD’s. I love the fact that they have so many features and tracks and different options, it’s far more superior than video cassettes. Anyway one thing I really enjoy is the director’s commentary and some of them are really good.
Now when people think about a directory’s commentary, they think about some dry, boring 2 hour lecture as the director talks about the symbolism of the film and that's wrong, I wouldn't sit and listen to someone talk about lighting and other crap like that for 2 hours and no one should have to unless it was on some exam they had to write.
I was watching Brother Bear with the commentary and I laughed my ass off (anyone who says they’re too old to watch Disney animated features should have the cucumber removed from their ass). What they did was get Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis to do it as their Tuke and Rutt characters (and they’re based on the classic McKenzie brothers). I love how they comment on how all the human characters are named after SUV’s and how the appearance of a squirrel is a sign of impending danger; though I don’t believe that they are correct when they said there was a squirrel in Top Gun. Claiming it was in the back seat of the plane just before Goose died. As well I don’t believe Rutt when he says that he was totally edited out of Blade Runner and I don't believe those totems the human characters wore came from a gift shop at the Vancouver and Calgary aiports(I loved the Calgary Reference, Its home, look at my profile). Either way, I recommend watching this movie for the commentary alone.
Resident Evil is a lot like this as well, but they stay more focused on the movie and the behinds the scenes, though it’s really nice of Michelle Rodriguez to tell us when there’s going to see Milla Jovovich nude or semi nude and it was nice to hear about Michelle’s leather bra.
Now I also find the more serious commentaries good as well. My favorite once will always be ‘The Sum of All Fears’ when they have Tom Clancy and the first thing he says is that “I wrote the book they totally ignored” and he spends the rest of the movie telling them where they screwed up. I loved that.
I have a large collection of DVD’s but I’ve yet to watch the commentary on them all, not that they all have a commentary but I enjoy them nonetheless. I still need to watch the commentary for my new Star Wars DVD’s (then again I haven’t watched them yet).
So whoever owns DVD’s (and that should be just about everyone, I recommend watching it with the director’s comments, sometimes they are really funny and some of them are interesting (unless they feature the set designer and the costume designer, stay away from them).
My 2 bytes
What is it about some people who only think about themselves and are rude to everyone else? People who swear in public or talk on their cell phones during a movie? These people are so selfish and it’s about time we did something about it.
I read this awhile ago on The Smoking Gun but it’s still a favorite. This woman was in a movie theater, talking on a cell phone during the movie, annoying everyone around her. Well a staff member (who was also a police officer) asked her to put her phone away and then she and her boyfriend went off about how they could do whatever they wanted and her boyfriend threaten to kiss his ass. So the cop busted arrested them for 'disorderly conduct'. YES !!!!! I'm tired of stupid people (too bad we can't sterilize them as well so we can try to save the gene pool)
This was from CNN and I also love this. A woman was swearing into her cell phone and a police officer asked her repeatedly to stop wearing so loudly in public. Again we see the 'I can do whatever I want' attitude and once again the police arrest her. YES !!!! YES !!!! YES !!!! The woman was made to lie down while she was arrested though she was 5 months pregnant. Personally I don't care if she was with child or not, we have rules in society and if you are not able to function by those rules then you should pay the consequences.
I noticed that this trend started as soon as it became 'bad' to spank your kids for being bad. Now these children never learn discipline and now they turn into what we are seeing now, AND THE GENE POOL IS BEING PEE'D IN AS A RESULT. This is what happened when a bunch of tree hugging Gaia loving, out of touch, wackos try to tell everyone else how to live their lives.
I'm going to explain my Gene Pool peeing theory. This is what is happening today. People who work hard on their education and their professional lives are holding back on having families or are not having them at all. On the other side, we have these trashy lazy people who discover that they can get some extra money on their welfare checks if they have another kid, so now we have all these dumb rude children being raised by dumb rude single moms (the dads lack any sense of responsibility and take off) as a result, we see more dumb kids and less smart kids because the dumb people are passing their genes more and more and the smart people less and less because they have enough sense to decide when it would be the right time to have children. End result, the whole gene poll is dominated by dumb lazy DNA.
Now we need to fight back people and I have a plan though it's controversial. We create something called the 'Stupid Police' and we send them out and if they find a gene pool polluter then we get them 'fixed' so they can have irresponsible sex all they want and society will not have to raise the little monsters. I know that forced sterilization is a bad thing but I can't think of any other option, they can't be trusted to have safe sex, and I fear the collapse of society because of these dumb people. Again I find myself balancing the rights of the individual vs. the common good, but I really hate stupid, selfish rude people. (Maybe we can start by neutering the cab driver who stole my cell phone.
My 2 bytes
Today Martha Stewart starts her 5 month prison sentence. Is it just me or does this scream reality TV? If people watch those two ditsy blonds Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie do whatever crap they did in the 2 seasons of "The Simple Life" then watching Martha's adventures in "THE BIG HOUSE" would be a ratings bonanza. It would put "The Apprentice" to shame.
(On a side note, Pamela should not have been fired this week; it should have been Stacy R. She not capable of doing anything other than yakking. At least Pamela finally got them to work together as a team without stabbing each other in the back every few minutes. Any male who ends up in that group will be destroyed by all the in fighting, just like what happened to Pamela, Actually I think Raj would be interesting, he has this 'Howard Cosell' thing and that might just save him)
Anyway back to the main subject, we call the show Big House and we follow Martha as she tries to survive behind bars. Does she join a gang? Does she have enemies waiting for her inside? Do they have her working in the kitchen making lovely centerpieces for all the tables? The possibilities are endless. There hasn't been this great a possibility in a reality show since The Osbournes.
Now I know she's going to minimum security and its not going to be anything like OZ but still, this woman is used to having her way and being served on in hand and foot and now she's going to have to get off her ass and do it herself. This alone would be interesting to see and if the show becomes successful, she can hold up a 7/11 and get placed in a rougher place for the second season.
My 2 bytes
Imagine if you had just purchased a used car from a trusted friend and on the way home, something happens to the engine that causes an accident and as a result, one the passengers in your car dies and after you find out that the car has a history of problems. Well that happened to the Canadian Navy and now a Canadian sailor is dead as a result of it Canada decided to purchase 4 used subs from the British Navy and we can't even get the thing home before all hell breaks loose and now Lieut. Chris Saunders is dead while taking Canada's new (used) Submarine home for the first time.
Now I'm not to assign blame because many other people who know more about the facts have already done that and blaming someone after the fact won't bring Lieut. Saunders back from the dead. I would like to speak of this trend of Canadian solders dying for stupid reasons. I want to talk about the Canadian solders, who were training in
Again I hear that a lot of people from around the world like Canadians but I have to ask if our military is being taken seriously? How are we suppose to be taken seriously when we buy a used submarine that breaks down the first time they try and take it home (and apparently the 3 other submarines are having problems as well), How can we be taken seriously when the people who operate our rescue vehicles need to be rescued because the equipment is so old and decrepit. How can we be taken seriously when the first time Canadian troops hit the ground in
Alright I lied, I'm going to assign blame, but not blame for just the sub incident but for all the woes the Canadian Armed Forces has experienced in the last 10 years. It’s the Jackass's fault Jean Chrétien (Cretin). It all started in the early 90's when the Liberals took power and killed the deal to replace the aging Sea King fleet and the new Submarine deal that the Canadian Navy was pursuing with the final 2 bidders for NEW BRITISH SUBS or NEW AMERICAN SUBS (I wonder if that deal has gone through would Lieut. Chris Saunders be alive today?). Over the following 10 years over 100 people have died as a direct result of those old helicopters and these things need 30 hours of maintenance for 1 hour of flight but Chrétien killed the deal saying they were too expensive. Yeah having state of the art technology for our Navy sounds like a bad idea to me as well; wouldn't want our Navy to be effective. (and this was the only election promise that friggin weasel ever kept). So I lay blame on this mess on the Honorable Jean Chrétien but he's so out of touch with reality that he probably wouldn't care. I also feel sorry for our new Prime Minister Paul Martin to deal with his predecessors mess. Actually I almost feel sorry for him; he was there when this was going on and he kept the party line.
It now has come to the point that we are unable to continue all our efforts as U.N. peace keepers and we needed help from the Americans in order to get our equipment to
Anyway I hope and pray that our new Prime Minister will address these problems and fix our decrepit military so people don't snicker anymore when someone mentions the Canadian Military
My 2 Cents
I spent a good part of the day wondering what I was going to write about on my blog today. I looked at different news sites and I found some potential topics but nothing that said, "This is it". Then I checked my Gmail account and I got this e-mail and after reading it, I knew I had my topic for today.
In a previous post I spoke about someone who put something so personal on their blog that I felt uncomfortable reading it. Anyway, she left a comment on my blog and then I felt a need to e-mail her and she e-mailed me back and the contents of the e-mail confirmed what I thought before. This person is extremely smart and confident and I feel privileged that I had an opportunity to exchange words with her.
Again I choose not to say what the post said, and I also will not reveal the specifics of the e-mail she sent me but I’m going to say this. See has told me that my reactions was not an isolated incident and others have commented on what she said and they said it was "too personal", though after some soul searching, she decided that she's ok with the contents of that post and she had decided to leave it up.
Anyway now I have a even greater respect for vics and I will continue to read her blog(not that I ever planned to stop, I enjoy her blog to the point that soon I'm going rip off one of her ideas, but I always cite my sources so she will get credit). You think that I respect for saying something personal on her blog? No, I respect her for the message she was sending when she wrote this post What I think is that it that everyone (including me) was so concerned about the content of the post that people failed to grasp the meaning but now after my initial reaction, I can say that I understand what she wanted to say and I agree with her 100%. I applaud her in making her point in this manor and if she ever need someone to stand by her side in defending that point, she can call on me and I will do without hesitation.
So now I feel a lot better about changing my links so people can find her blog. I’ll be doing so on Monday since that’s when I’m have time to play around with things. I do know my html but I’m not the Jedi Knight of web development (I have the Star Wars box set calling my name so excuse the reference, and I just discovered that Jedi is in the Microsoft Word Spell Check).
One last thing, to people who’s blog, I have links to currently. If you haven’t updated your blog in the past 2 weeks, then I’m dropping you. There are people who work too hard on their blogs not to be noticed.
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