I recently put a counter on the site to see if people were actually visiting my site and to my surprise I am getting hits.
Then there are the few people who were kind enough to leave comments on my entries. There were friends who I told about my site but also people who I’d never met. To them I say thank you. Thank you Vicky from the U.K(She called me sweets ,BLUSH). Thank you Musophrenia, also from the UK. Thank you Doug from Vancouver (Hey a fellow Canadian). Thank you Diwakar though I don’t know where you’re from. Thank you Brenda, I do miss you, and thank you LdyPayne, though sometimes I’m convinced that you’re not happy unless I’m annoyed ;). Oh and thank you to everyone else who just managed to drop by. Oh and to everyone (except Brenda) I enjoyed your blogs as well. (Brenda doesn’t have a blog, though I hope that she creates one someday).
Now most of our blogs have that interesting little button on the upper right above the title bar called NEXT BLOG. I believe that many of you found my blog through that little button and I personally think that button is the greatest extra with Blogger, not only do I get to share my thoughts with the world. I also get the opportunity to see what other peoples lives are like all around the world.
Just as I share my thoughts with others, they are sharing their thoughts with me and I feel privileged to have the opportunity. I get to peek at the lives of people living in Mexico, Australia, the U.K, Singapore, and other places. I’ve seen blogs written in different languages and even different alphabets. I have seen blogs in Arabic script and Chinese characters. We are from so many different places and have different views but we all have at least one thing in common. We want to share our thoughts with others through the internet.
To everyone who reads these words, I say thank you and I hope that one day I will have the opportunity to read your scribed thoughts as well.
Oh and Vicky, Thanks for putting my blog in your favs list. I promise to keep this blog going at this level for quite awhile. I tend to think too much anyway. I also enjoyed reading your blog
My 2 bytes
Helllllo! Yes, I got here via "next blog" and wrote a post about my travels. It is a wonderful little button. Good blog here.
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