Friday, September 03, 2004

Definition Terrorist: See Coward

Today is a very sad day in a small town in Russia. It’s also a day that has brought out moral outrage throughout the world.

First thing that has to be said is that anyone who hides behind children is a coward. These people are not solders or patriots or even freedom fighters. They are simply cowards who deserve whatever they have coming to them. The armed cowards that lived through the battle deserve no mercy; they have proven that they are not capable of it so why should it be granted to them

As of late, the world terrorist has been heard in the news lately as a result of actions in Spain, Russia and of course in New York and Washington. As a result, many people now live in fear of what could be around the corner. The need for vigilance has risen significantly and people on both sides are hurting because of it.

We are use to hearing about such acts in places like Israel and Africa but this plague seems to be spreading and it has infected North America several times. Many people feel that the people of Israel are too extreme in their view but we don’t live in a place where its common for someone to put on a vest of explosives and walk down to the store where you buy your groceries and blow themselves up; killing many others as well as themselves. In my opinion, we don’t have the right to judge them.

What really gets my goat are people who protest the treatment of this sub human slime. They start blabbing this left wing educated crap and they feel that they have all the answers. I wonder what they would do if their fantasy world where everyone gets along and respects each other would meet with the reality of a terrorist with a gun to their head.

These intellectual jackasses preach about tolerance and rights of others and meanwhile there are hundreds of dead in Russia right now and at least one child crying over the memory of a coward with a gun.

My 2 bytes

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