Monday, December 06, 2004

Google owns my ass now

I'm come to the realization that everything I do online seems to revolve around Google in one form or another. Everything that I do has a connection to Google in some way, from web searches to e-mail to news to this very blog. Google has growing influence on my online life.

First thing, when I use a search engine, I use Google, but then again, don't we all? Google is a very effective tool for finding what we want online. It has become the search engine of choice. There are even toolbar add ons that put a Google search on it. It's even built into Firefox 1.0.

I'm also a user of GMail and why shouldn't I? After all I get 1 gigabyte of storage. 1 GIGABYTE ! ! ! Before GMail, how much space was everyone else giving? I can assure you that Yahoo Mail and Hotmail were not giving anywhere near that amount of space, but now we see them trying to catch up by offering 250 MB of space. I'll stay with my 1G thank you. (Oh I have a couple of invites if you want one, let me know)

Until recently, I had never really checked out Google News, but now I'm hooked. I haven't looked at any other news site since. Everything I need is on Google News. It's constantly being updated so I get access to the latest stories from news services from all over the world.

Oh this blog is done with Blogger, which is owned by Google. Once again Google has me there. Now only a week ago, Microsoft has started its "Spaces" service but after how long has Blogger been available for free? Again I'm a fan of Google.

It seems to me that Google is doing everything right while everyone else, including Microsoft is playing catch up. I'm now wondering what else Google will have for us in the future. Will we see "The Google Grid" as predicted by that flash movie I linked last week? I'm starting to wonder but for now, I'll just tattoo Google to my ass since they seem to own me, online anyway.

Well in all honestly, I am a consumer and I can choose where I do business, or what services that I choose to use and Google is providing the best service, which are free. So I will continue to use Google services and rub my ass where they put the tattoo "Property of Google".

My 2 bytes

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