Monday, July 11, 2005

Just a quicky

My brain hurts. I worked an 11hour shift today, (so I got some real OT). I'm tired but I want to say some things,

First, for SJ benefit. The best way to describe a podcast, is to call it a talk radio show on an MP3 that could can listen to at your convenience. The reason it's called a Podcast refers to how people would listen to it on their Ipod's like a radio show but instead of a broadcast, its a podcast. Get it?

Ok from now on, I'll try to limit my PSwhatever stuff. I was listening to a podcast about videogames and all I could think was DORK !!!! I admit to being a geek but I try to hide it so for everyone's sake. A PS2 is a Playstation 2 and a PSP is a Playstation Portable. I know this because I'm l33t (Elite).

Well I've seem to have gotten good feedback over the lastest Podcast (WOO HOO). Now that I found, and you can create a FREE account and start podcasting yourself, though the FREE Producer account is limited. Don't sign up for the listener account because its worthless.

Well my still brain hurts and I need some. I'll try to have something more interesting for tomorrow. Oh did I mention that still sucks. It's been 2 days and my podcast still isn't up there.

My 2 bytes

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