Well its Halloween kiddies. I hope you got your trick or treating out of the way. Personally I never did. Guess I’m too old. Oh well.
One my way home, I went through the mall. Somehow the walk doesn’t seem so long in climate control comfort. Anyway the mall encourages trick or treaters of the young set. Sort of makes sense, the little ones who aren’t old enough to go out with their friends still get to enjoy the spirit of the holiday without any of the potential dangers. So I was watching the little children and their parents walk by and I thought, why couldn’t I trick or treat in the mall? The difference is that I wouldn’t want candy. I would want other stuff. So I’m compiled a virtual Halloween night, trick or treating in Chinook Centre.
Sears: There’s someone bland about Sears but I’ll take a new refrigerator out of the deal.
Britches: I’ll take a suit. I’m always looking for something nice to wear.
Athletes World: A pair of those insanely expensive shoes will do.
Bell World: Give me that new HDTV PVR that looks so nice, sitting there on the shelf. I swear it’s calling my name. Oh and throw in the dual antenna as well. I’ll need it.
The Sony Store: MMM How about a big ass Plasma TV.
Japan Camera: A digital camera would be cool.
Jacob Lingerie: Ummm, how about you ladies model some of the wares?
Quizno's Classic Subs: Hey, I have to get something to eat out of this place.
Veggirama: Now that’s a dirty trick. NO WAY!!
EB Games: There isn’t a Halloween bag big enough to get all the things I want in that place.
I could go on and on, but you get the point. Anyway, take care and have a SAFE HALLOWEEN EH!
My 2 bytes
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