Saturday, November 06, 2004

A new look

As you might have noticed (or not if you haven't been here before) I'm using a new template. I just grew so bored of the old one. It was simple and effective at first but it grew to be too simple and I started to really hate the title bar. As well I got tired of looking at other blogs that looked exactly like mine.

Well after days and days of looking and evaluating, I've settled on this one. I found it at . I actually found a few and one that was familiar (you know who you are) but I really liked it, even though there a blatant product plug with the Sony VAIO logo on the left (It could have been worse, I like the Pepsi one as well), So I hope that everyone likes the new look and if you don't then TOO BAD !!!!

Alright, speaking of products and commercialism, I should mention the banner. First thing, I didn't sell out. Ok I did, but before everyone starts pointing fingers but let me explain. This is something that I wanted to do because I really like I think these guys are great and I recommend them to everyone I see and people have joined based on my recommendation. Now I recently l earned about their affiliate and refferal programs where I could have zip help support my DVD habbit (and its a big one too, over 100 DVD's) so I thought why not? So the banner goes up. So maybe they can help fund my DVD viewing habbits. They just sent me the first 2 DVD of the first season of Buffy and I expect them on Monday. SJ said I should watch them so I'll give them a go.

Anyway tomorrow I should be back with my normal words of wisdom, but until then, take care.

My 2 bytes


K. Restoule said...

Just testing to make sure the comments still work. I had some issued with it earlier

Vics said...

LOL yes dear - i know... *blush*
Gotta admit though - it looked damned cool! just a shame most of my mates couldn't get it to open up *pug*

K. Restoule said...

It looked good Vics but it wouldn't load on any dial up connection, but there were some other good ones. I thought that they were all really good actually.

SJ said...

I like it.