Now I talked about this before and forgive me if you've heard this but I need to say this. G4 Media has finally destroyed a good thing. They ripped the heart out of great TV channel that all technophiles enjoyed and have left us with a piece of crap videogame channel.
I mentioned before how the last great programs were cancelled but I want to talk about the repercussions of this action. First people who moved to L.A. from San Francisco just a few months ago are out of a job. G4 was planing this all along and yet these people were forced to relocate in order to keep their jobs, which they now have lost. A really nice bunch of guys.
Now I think the webcam pics say it all. I'm normally see Alex with energy and full of life but to see him like this is heartbreaking. It makes me feel moral outrage. These gutless corporate whores have no shame. I read that when they were told that they were let go, they were given 4 hours notice to clean out their crap and leave. You come to work and BAM!!! You and a lot of your friends, including producers are let go. Their lives are turned upside down because or some bastard.
Now I think G4 and their parent company Comcast will regret this decision. These dumbasses have just pissed off the computer geek community (including the hacker set) and they will get bitten in the ass for it. I understand that Kevin's blog went through a Denial of Service attack for a couple of days (those I thought this was misguided, its not his fault that he was one of the lone souls that wasn't fired), but sooner of later, a group is going to get together and wage a cyberwar against these guys. We've already seen the level of incompetence that their IT department have. It took them months to move the Tech TV archives to their servers. Fans has created their own "unofficial" archive websites for this information. So now I sit back and wait for the battlecry to be screamed and I look forward to watching the mayhem that is soon to come.
A final last note, I found the Alex pictures and a lot of other information at this website . I always give credit where its due.
Again this was for myself if not anything else.
My 2 bytes
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