First thing, the message board will return. There seems to be an issue with the people hosting the board (their website is down as well) and as soon as it appears that the problem is fixed, I will put it back up, I just commented it out anyway, all I have to do is remove the comments tags from the HTML.
Someone said to me recently, that my blog constantly changing and I guess that is true but then again, I hate the same stale old thing, don't you? The generic templates were starting to make me ill. So tonight I changed where how comments are made. I saw it on Brandie's blog and I STOLE THE IDEAL. (For the record, I found Brandie via Vics, she's so worldly).
You know I've borrowed many items that are on my blog. I stole the Mood icon from Kati, I stole the Message board and the clock from Vics and now I've stolen the comment function. I hope you all forgive me.
Then again isn't that how we try to evolve, by taking the best parts of others and trying to make it a part of ourselves? Just a thought.
As well, since I am my blog. My blog reflects me, my thoughts, my words and my social life to a point. I've met some very nice people thanks to my blog, though I fear that I cannot afford to fly to Manchester to take a lovely Lady to the theatre (If I go to Manchester, its going to be longer than a night).
Actually what I wish I could do is have you all come to Calgary for the Stampede, The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth. Well perhaps I can bring a little Stampede to everyone through my blog. Those days will be long Blog entries. The whole city goes nuts, and the population actually doubles because of all the tourists.
In recent weeks, I've joined Blog Explosion and added the Creative Commons license as well, (again, stolen from Vics and Kati) and I've visited so may other blogs and I'm just waiting until someone offers me a job to do this for a living. It would be nice, I have far more talent than that jackass Rick Bell at the Calgary Sun. All he does is bitch, bitch, bitch. He reminds me of an old lady.
Now were getting to my personal hell. What to write about. I want to be witty, charming and interesting but it seems that I can't be anything like that. Some people say that I don't even need to try and be funny, I'm just am, but it honestly does take some effort. I don't have an audience to work with. If I had some material, to work with then I'm ready to go. SJ was talking about her daughter's invisible friend (why haven't I ripped anything off from your blog SJ) and I made a comment about my invisible friend being named Donald Trump but he never bought me anything, the cheap bastard. A comic is only is as good as his material and If can't think of anything funny then I'm screwed
Well I'll go get something to eat and call it a night. I found this recipe for "Condoleezza Rice", mmm that sounds exotic.
My 2 bytes.
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