Am I the only guy who remembers this guy? Then again I watched a lot of TV when I was a kid so that is why I'm such an expert on pop culture. No one seems to remember when his commercial would come on and he would talk about "One of these" and then he would hold up a giant Energizer battery. Then at the end of the commercial, the camera would come in real close on his face and he would say "OY"
When I was a kid, I thought this guy was so cool. He had so much energy and chrisma. I wanted to be just like him, (and Mr. T) but it never happened and then one horrible day, the Energizer guy was gone. Replaced by the stupid rabbit with the big drum.
I did some research and found out that his name is really Mark Jackson though he's also known as Jacko Jackson and he hasn't really done much since the Energizer which I find sad since I like him a lot.
Ever wonder how he took being replaced by that stupid rabbit with the drum? That must have really sucked. I can imagine the conversation. "Jacko, we think your great but the marketing people think that fake bunnies are in right now so were forced to let you go". I HATE THAT RABBIT.
Now that I'm thinking about it. I wonder if there's a home for retired commercial actors. A place where Jacko can hang out with the Dunkin "Time to make the Donuts" guy and the Kool Aid picture guy. Then after supper he goes back to this room and throws darts at a picture of that Rabbit. I miss him going OY.
Now that I'm thinking about it, what happened to Mayor McCheese ?
My 2 bytes
I too also hate the bunny, but that picture... that man kinda looks scary!
I think he disappeared once the name "Jacko" became synonymous with Michael Jackson. I mean, who the hell wants that?
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