Ok first thing, I heard from my friend, so I feel much better; a huge sigh of relief on my part. So I just wanted to get that out of the way.
Now I that I’ve slacked on the blogging all week, I need to come up with a topic….mmmm, what to write about. This is what I’ve noticed, I usually get more comments when I talk about things that are sex related. Recently when I blogged about the Aussie who was raped by he cougar, I got a fair amount of comments, so I’m thinking that I should blog about sex. I’ve even gotten that advise from a certain person who gets a lot of traffic on her blog, and she’s also enjoying her says as a single woman again.
Here’s the problem, when women talk about sex, men love it, and women tend to laugh about it. Oh sure, there are a few uptight fuddy diddies who seriously need to lighten up. My theory is that, they’ve never had a real orgasm before, so they should blame the men they’re with, but when men talk about sex, men are all. “DO HER”, and women generally get disgusted. That’s why I’m not comfortable talking about my “boob fetish” on my blog. Yes I know, all men have a boob fetish, but I need to keep my eyes from wondering sometimes.
Women can get away with more in my opinion. Grown women sitting on Santa’s lap, stuff like that. Men have to be all tough and act like “they have huge balls”. That’s why they don’t cry. Their balls are too big.
I don’t really like to blog about sex, because people would see me as a sick pervert, which I am, but I don’t want everyone to know about it. I don’t blog about my porn surfing and things like that because…they don’t exist. Did I mention that I’m a big fat liar? Sure I’ll blog about sex related thing, but I would never blog about my actual exploits. Oh, and the fact that I’m a Can’tGetNoSexual has nothing to do with it.
In all honesty, I’m more of a greedy bastard than a horny bastard. I’m more interested in money than sex. I love money, to I can have “stuff” and have the ability to do what I want. Sex could lead you to not having money, and I mean an “accident” during sex will lead to a kid, and you will never have money again. There’s there are the “creative” ones who buy gels, toys, whips, leather, weed whackers. You get the point.
I’m sure I’ll blog about sex related stuff again. After all, there’s a world of cougars out there, and they will strike again soon, on some poor unsuspecting male.
My 2 Bytes.
egad, not a weed whacker!!
...a weed whacker? I don't even want to think about that one...
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