So let’s see, I blogged three times as much in June than in May. What that really means is that I blogged three times instead of once. Pffttt. Still sucky but I’m trying,
I’m down to 35 days until my vacation. I really think that this trip will “recharge the batteries”. I’m going to try and blog every night of the vacation, but I make no promises. I’ll be taking lots of pictures, so maybe I’ll be posting with a little blurb instead.
I’ve been resisting the urge to blog about my new smart phone, but dammit, it’s a Google Phone, and I love everything Google related. As I once blogged long ago, there should be a tattoo that says “Property of Google”.
Anyway I picked up the HTC Magic (Google) Phone a few weeks ago and I LOVE IT. Like the Apple Phone, you can download a bunch of cool application, but unlike the Apple Phone, you don’t have to wait for some control freak at Apple to allow them to be sold/given away on the I-Tunes Store.
I’ve downloaded some cool apps for my phone like Weatherbug which gives me local weather information, and a movies app from Flixster, which gives me local movie listings, theatres and show times. Of course there’s some cool apps that came with the phone, like the GMail reader, the Google Maps applications, that works with the GPS on the phone.
Then there are the less than useful apps which I like anyway like the Swartz saber (from Space balls)app, and the Beavis and Butthead soundboard. Because you never know when you to have Beavis say “10-6-90, 10-6-90, we’ve got whores on the street, we need backup NOW”.
Now knowing my readers (all three of you), you’re probably thinking that my phone is just a cool high tech toy, and to you I say “and, your point is”. Yes my phone can do some cool things, that a normal phone can’t do, and I can download cool apps, from my phone. Yes I have a GPS on my phone, and yes smart phone are becoming, an all in one device. I could add more memory to my phone. I can upgrade the 2 gigs into 4 or 8 at a low cost, and turn my cell into an IPod, like the IPhone. The point is, my phone reflexs who I am.
There’s a person who worked HR in my old job, and she had a pink Razr. She loved it because it was pink. She told me that she could have gotten the same phone in black for free, but paid extra to get it in pink. These days our cell phones are a badge of who we are. Being a Blackberry owner will say something about you, as being a IPhone owner will say something else. My Google Phone will say something about me.
Bottom line is I love my new cell phone despite the sudden price drop after I bought it. Oh yeah, I bought it for $199, last week and now it’s $99. Needless to say, I was not impressed, but I did call the Rogers, and they gave me a $100 credit, so everything is good.
My 2 Bytes.