Tuesday, August 31, 2004

I got my survey yesterday

I know, your wondering, what survey? It’s the survey about what I think we should do with the extra money the province is getting because of the extra cash that will be available because we no longer have a debt. That’s right folks; the province of Alberta will have paid off its debt. We have the lowest taxes in the country, no sales tax and now no debt. Ya gotta love the Alberta Advantage.

Anyway I was flipping through the survey and I was checking out my options. Let’s see, better health care? That’s important. Better education system. That’s good too. City growth, protect the environment, support to people who need it. All good and noble choices but what’s this? Provide a refund to every Albertan? SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!

In all fairness, you rate all the options from one to ten so you can show what is important so no one is committed to one choice but ya gotta admit, that refund check sounds pretty darn good. I hear that they do that in Alaska and getting a big cheque from the government would be nice and giving money to people so they can spend it does stimulate the economy and a portion of that would go to taxes so the government would get some of that back.

Some critics say that the refund option is just a ploy in order for Mr., Klein to get reelected for another term and guess what. It will work. Some say that he’s just buying votes and guess what. He bought mine.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not just a greedy bastard who only things about money. Ok I am a greedy bastard that thinks about money but I do look at other things as well. It would be nice to see more funding go to education and health care and other important areas but that doesn’t mean I can have a piece of the cake for myself as well, doesn’t it?

My 2 bytes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I vote education. Thats it thats all.