Sunday, August 29, 2004

Why I can't stand Michael Moore

Is it just me or is Michael Moore the most pathetic piece of crap you have ever seen. Now I just imagine some of you calling me small minded or a republican or something other than that but before you start throwing labels at me, I’m going to have my say if you like it or not. This is my blog after all.

First things first, I am not a conservative or a liberal. I am an individual and I have my opinions about different things. I do not simply agree with something simply because one group of people believes that. While a lot of my beliefs are conservative, this does not mean that I carry all the beliefs that a conservative does. I basically believe in the individual. My right to enjoy the fruits of my success without the government taking a larger portion of my tax dollars. Liberals love to raise taxes for so called social programs. At the same time I also believe that gays and lesbians should have the right to marry if they love each other. This is more of a left wing thought but it still fits into my belief of the rights of the individual first. So do not start throwing labels at me because I have beliefs from both wings. So I guess that makes me a fiscal conservative with liberal social ideas or simply just ME !!!

Anyway about Michael Moore, Is it just me of is he the biggest piece of crap out there? I mean, really he’s more interested forcing is opinion on others listening to others. I honestly hate this type more than anything else in the world. He is so sure that he is right that he refuses to admit that there is a possibility that he is even wrong. I love how he tried to ambush people into interviews but when a camera is aimed at him, that he doesn’t control, he acts like he doesn’t see it. The blowhard.

Now apparently Fahrenheit 9/11 is one of the biggest grossing documentaries ever released, though I refuse to see if. Actually that not totally correct, I willing to watch it but I refuse to pay money to see it. I don’t want a single cent of my money to go to this windbag.

Now there is a documentary out there that I do want to see and its called Michael Moore hates America. Now honestly don’t believe that he does but you have to wonder what the hell goes through this nut jobs head. Now this is a documentary checking out.

Now some people may say that I just despise the left but that is not true. I respect Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, as well as Paul Martin. It’s possible to disagree with some of people’s views while still respecting them. I remember one of Pierre Trudeau’s sons talking about this aspect of his father during his funeral He also respected people with different beliefs than himself. In addition, I disagree with George. W. Bush’s views on same sex marriage, stem cell research and cloning research. This doesn’t mean I don’t respect his or Stephen Harper but Michael Moore is just pathetic. I feel he has the morals of vulture. He is so concerned about getting his movie out that he would work with distributors who are connected with Hamas. Now they are terrorists. These are the people who send suicide bombers onto buses to blow them up, and this is the group of people that Michael Moore wants to associate with. Do us all a favor Michael and put on one of the explosive vests and blow yourself up, so we don’t have to hear you shoot your mouth off anymore.

My 2 bits.

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