My 2 Bytes
Winter has arrived in
For the past 2 days, I had to wear my winter coat, in the front office because it’s that’s cold. Certain people have extra heaters at their desk, yes I’m talking to you HR Lady, because their really cold. I’m just glad that my non existent girlfriend (hey it could happen), didn’t work here either because she would also be wear my coat, and shirt and I would look like those bare-chested guys at football games. They’re not braving the cold like that to prove something; they’re like that because their girlfriends took all their clothes because it’s cold. I keep want to pour gas(petrol for people outside of North America) on the parking lot and set it one fire, just to see fire. Just to see warmth.
The really bad thing today was the roads, they’re really slippery and just driving out there is not safe. I was 45 minutes late for work, and now I have to stay an hour later, so I meet up with the buses at the right time. I was outside for 30 minutes, waiting for that damn bus and when it showed up, I had Roseanne as a bus driver; I don’t mean the early, really funny Roseanne, but the later, really bitchy, backstabber, not funny Rosanne. At one point I heard her complained that she was killed 25 times while driving that morning. Little did she know that it was actually 26, because I had to fight the urge to choke the life out of her.
Basically, it’s cold as hell and I don’t like it. I want to move to Florida.
My 2 Bytes
On Friday, I went on one my rants about a Catholic school board had banned a book. I wrote about how I thought that the actions were wrong and so forth,. Then I had this person leave a comment, arguing his point, which is against mine. No problem there until after I replied to his comment, then he decided to reply to my response using “fancy words”. Have I ever mentioned how people who use “fancy words” piss me off?
While I do use IT jargon at work, it’s only done with people who understand what the jargon means. With normal (and I mean non IT people), I use “normal” language to explain things, that way they understand what I’m trying to communicate. I personally feel that it’s more important to be understood by someone than to confuse them by using “fancy words”.
First of all, I had never heard of the word “rejoinder”. I’ve never heard of such a word and as soon as I realized that they were using “fancy words” in the first sentence, I came to the conclusion that I was arguing with someone who was in the love with the sound of their own voice. Now I’ve encountered these guys and I believe that they must be taken down a bit, every opportunity I get. Sometimes I get rude when I do it, but it required because they tend to lack real world socials skills, and must be taught that being an ass isn’t acceptable. I still remember taking on the “Linux Geeks” in an EB Games, and I ended that conversation with the classic “and while you’re at it, move out of your parent’s basement!!!” A person can express their argument or point of view without trying to come off as a intellectual snob. I honestly feel that they are better off doing so with the use of “fancy words”, because it adds to their creditability, as opposed coming off as pompous.
I know a blogger who’s able to do this with ease. She is able to express an idea, and tell a story without using “fancy words”. Actually she uses words like a paint brush to express herself in her blog. It is said that a picture is worth a 1000 words? Well she can paint a picture with less than 200. Oh, and I’ve never had to use a dictionary to understand any of her posts or comments.
I could go on and on and go “waaa waaa”, but I honestly, do not see the point. I refuse to give this person any further thought other than “I WON THE ARGUMENT !!!! NAAA NAA NAA NAA NAAA ***SPPPPPTTTTTT****”.
I never said I was mature.
My 2 Bytes
So this book, a fantasy novel, was written by Phillip Pullman, who just happens to be an atheist, and while I have yet to read the book, (I guess I need to so I don’t look like I don’t know what I’m talking about), I understand that some groups feel that the book series is Anti-Christian. So of course this book must be banned, the author hunted down and killed. I hear that he lives down the street from Salman Rushdie, so we can go with the Muslim Fundaments and after we all can go on a picnic and celebrate our intolerance of new ideas. Oh, and after we can all get together with the Nazi’s and sing camp fire songs as we burn all the copies of the “offensive material”. You know, its shit like this which makes me embarrassed to be Catholic; then again, I’m not a very good Catholic because I have an open mind about things.
I remember back in High School when I found a copy of Karl Marx’s “The Communist Manifesto” in the school library. At first, I was surprised to see it, and to be honest I thought it didn’t belong in the library, but I was only in grade 10, and to be honest, I was a dumb kid, as well as gullible. I soon learned that the last thing I want is a bunch of closed minded dumb people deciding what I can, and cannot read, see, or hear. I now am thankful that the Catholic School board of Fort McMurray for understanding that in order for a student to grow, they should be exposed to new and different ideas, even if they might be unpopular to certain groups. Being Catholic doesn’t mean you have to be intolerant (I think someone needs to tell the Pope that).
What really bothers me is that these actions were done because of a single complaint. Doesn’t this busy body have better things to do? If this person is such a devout catholic, perhaps she should be helping the homeless instead of bitching about a book? I don’t know if this person is a man or a woman, but when I think about it, I get the image of Kyle’s mom from South Park, and I get to urge to quote Cartman and say “Kyle, why does your mom get some bug up her ass each month?”. I also bet this person is also a Stupid Bitch.
Again, I haven’t read the book in question, but I plan on do so, and I’m definitely going to see the movie. Oh, if I see someone protesting the movie at my local theare, they are going to get an ear full.
My 2 Bytes