Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Buck Rogers is a slut

I’m back at work so the vacation is over. I guess the vacation from blogging is completed as well. Don’t get me wrong, there’s no one forcing me to blog but it just wasn’t in me. I even limited my City of Heroes playing (ok I’m a big fat liar there). However my life away from work was a big fat blank.

The main problem is that I’ve spent so much time between work and schooling, that I never had much time to make friends, and the people around here, at work I mean, aren’t really the type of people I wish to hang out at with. Actually, the only time I really got along with other coworkers was when I was in Toronto and those guys we IT as well. I still think that they are all a great bunch of guys. So basically, I have very few friends in the city.

One of the things I did do though was watch a most of the DVD’s from Buck Rogers and the 25th Century, and all I have to say is we’ve come a long way, since that crap. I don’t mean the special effects (though, that is also true), I mean the stories and character development. As I’m watching these episodes, I’ve come to a conclusion. Buck is a man whore. In almost every episode, we see Buck coming on to a different woman, while the old guy, the little robot and the hot babe sidekick just have this ‘oh that Buck’. How come we never the episode where buck get the ‘space clap’.

Also, half the episodes are just ‘space’ versions of normal stuff, like space vampires, or space rock and roll. LAME!!!! Now I understand why women were pissed off back then. If my gender was portrayed like that, I would be pissed too. Either way this show made my head feel like mush. IT’S BAD PEOPLE. If they decide to bring the show back like Battlestar Galatica, they had better use the NEW formula of giving the characters, and I mean all characters, depth and flaws. Even the Cylon babes have some depth.

Oh I hope everyone has a good new year, I spent mine sick in bed. I felt awful and had to keep a bucket by the bed, if you know what I mean. Being sick when your mommy isn’t around sucks.

Here’s to 2007, and I send my best wishes to all. Oh and if any Billionaires wish to send me a couple of million dollars my way so I can quit work and start investigating the real meaning of life, I’m appreciate it, because I know for a fact I’m not going to find it in my little office, fixing RF guns and doing all the other stuff I do.

My 2 Bytes.

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