Thursday, November 30, 2006

At a loss....

I don't know what to write about. To be honest, I'm mentally exhausted right now. I want some me time but that's not going to happen for some time. At least until Christmas time. I booked time off during the holidays but someone is trying to fight that. Well I have the holiday time for half of it, so either they're going to give it to me or pay me out. Having a Christmas bonus like that would be nice though. I could afford a new laptop.

I'm been giving a laptop some serious thought, so I could blog in the hotel room, use my Vonage USB Key and yes play City of Heroes as well.

I wish I had something else to say, be my witty/smart ass self, but right now there's no energy left for that part of my brain.

Did I mention that I have to fly back to Regina on Sunday? At least it's only till Tuesday. Then again, they've been talking about me going back in January, so that laptop is starting to look good.

My 2 Bytes.

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