Well to Canada anyway. I knew this was coming, but to get an air date is like WOOT!!!! (or is it SQUEEEE now?). I just read that Global will start airing the animated adventurers of Bob and Doug McKenzie on April 19th. I can’t wait.
I’ve been a fan of the McKenzie brothers as far back as I can remember, and they still have influence over me to this day. Don’t believe me? Where do you think the name Tales from the Great White North came from? Back in the day Bob and Doug did a SCTV called….The Great White North. Coincidence.? I think NOT eh.
So as I said before, this is an animated series so the hosers will able to do some Loony Toons type stuff, like be crushed by kegs or beer, or be body checked by their French Canadian rivals Now I can’t confirm the existence of the French Canadian rivals right now, but they were in a animated short that came out with the DVD release of Strange Brew, the Bob and Doug movie (cue the singing angels eh).
The good news, Dave Thomas will be doing the voice of Doug. The bad news is that Rick Moranis will not be doing the voice of Bob. I guess he doesn’t need to do it, after Disney game him all that money for those Honey I Shrunk the Kids movies, but he is an executive producer, alone with Dave. The replacement for Bob’s voice will be….Dave Coulier. Yes, the voice of Bob will be done by Joey from Full House. I do know that Dave plays Hockey and plays on the Celebrity All-Star Hockey Squad, and is a big Red Wings fan, so he has some Canadian in him.
I’m very excited that my hosers are coming back, but I’m also sad, that the show will only be seen in Canada. Why hasn’t a US network tried to pick up this gem? Fox can put it on Sunday nights along with all the other animated shows they air, but alas, this show is only for us Canadian eh. Here’s a clip of the original show, and I’m looking forward to post clips of the animated series when it comes out eh. I can’t wait for the show to come on in 4 weeks. Just 4 more than a square beer eh. A square beer is 24, or a two four eh.
My 2 bytes eh.